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我曾经在培训机构代课四年,我个人认为小学生更喜欢活泼的课堂氛围!你可以讲水果,动物,身体等一些简单的!重要的是你讲课的形式,在讲课的时候最后能插入儿歌和游戏!少儿英语的课堂游戏有很多的,你可以上网查查!还有在讲课的时候要注重课堂用语的使用,比如,good,excellent,you did a good jod!小学生需要多一些的鼓励语言!课堂上你要表现的落落大方,不要紧张!教态很重要的!对了,黑板上你可以使用简笔画来教学生学习单词!祝你成功!!good luck!



形式是由评委充当学生,试讲者将试讲过程模拟为真实课堂,也要进行一定的互动,例如提出问题,设置讨论等,对于你所提问题的回答,既可选择由一个评委来回答(如果评委肯配合的话);也可选择在提出问题后稍停几秒钟,然后以类似“根据同学们的回答,我们进行一下总结”这样一句话直接过渡到下面的环节,这样也可以体现出你的互动环节。 试讲中要注意结合板书,由此集中评委的眼光;要自信、大方,你可以讲得不精彩,但绝不能你扭捏;声音要洪亮,发音准确;在出现小失误时不要紧张,因为评委可能本来没注意到,但却因为你的紧张而扣分;精彩部分放在前半部分,因为评委通常在前半段就把分数打出来了。 以上绝对为经验之谈,且是我认为最重要的几点,希望对你有所帮助。祝你成功!
如果上公开课之类的,我们一般都全英文的。你讲课的话,又没有学生,一定应该是全英文的。 具体的流程要看你抽到的课文内容了。纯单词的课比较好讲,无非是导入,然后教授单词的读、写,然后就玩几个游戏,针对单词的听说读写进行训练。 如果是句型课也比较简单,想办法设置情境让学生真实地练习句型就行了。 语篇课和对话课会比较麻烦,也比较见功底。 最难的是语法课,比如说一般现在时、一般过去时等。 既然知道是外研的小学英语教材,那建议你上网搜一搜教学设计,把中高年级的教材一课课的看一遍,对你绝对有好处。 我也不是师范类毕业的,可已经教了快十年了。


小学英语《My family》试讲教案Teaching Aims:Knowledge aim:Students will understand the information contained in the textbook and find out their families in their own family photoes.Ability aim: Students can discuss with partners according to the picture;Students ability of writing the name of their family members can be trained;Emotional aims: Students can gain a better understanding about their family and the relationships;Teaching Key points:Help students to understand the meaning of the words.Difficult Points:Help students to write the new words correctly..Teaching Methods:Group discussion, question making, video display, picture showing.Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Warming-up:Let students have a free talk about how many people are there in their familyasking:ask students do they know how to express their family members name in English?Step 2 presentation:Teacher-showTake out the teachers family photo and show the students how to express the name of the family members.ReadingLead the students to read the new words for several times after showing the new words.discussionstudents will discuss their family members in their own photo in pairs.Step 3 applicationEvery students will write their family tree on a paper and revise their family tree in pairs.Teacher will also draw a family picture on the blackboard and chose some students to write the suitable words on the tree.Step 4 Summary and homeworkSome students would be invited to sum up what we have learned today and their own understanding of family.Assign homework: remember the new words according the teachers instruction and finish the practice in the following page.Blackboard Design:My familyFather motherSon daughterTeaching Reflection:
用全肢体反应教学法-t.p.r教学法 “全身反应教学法”能够一下子抓住学生的注意力,吸引学生参加活动,让学生在身临其境的实际体验中学习英语。故教学重点在于帮助学生理解英语,用英语交流,不在于纠正学生在学习过程中所犯的错误。这样做,有利于帮助学生消除紧张心理,让学生在一个无须害怕挫败的环境中学习。“全身反应教学法”能够提供一个与实际生活紧密相连的学习环境,使学生在多种多样的活动中,学会英语,习得英语。t.p.r教学法的具体教学步骤(t.p.r五步法)t.p.r教学法在具体教学实施中分为五个步骤。(1)教师说出指令并做示范动作,学生边听边观察。l teacher says and models, students watch and listen.(2)教师说出指令并做示范动作,然后请学生跟着做。l teacher says and models, students follow.(3)教师说出指令,不示范动作,请学生按照老师的指令去做。l teacher says without modeling, students act.(4)教师示范动作,要求学生复述指令。l teacher acts , students gives commands.(5)学生说出指令,学生执行指令。l one of the students says and the other students act.

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